[Back Again] Free sample of Colgate Sensitive pro-relief

colgate free sample

Sensitive Pro-Relief with Pro-Argin fixes tooth sensitivity problems at the source by sealing the channels that lead to your teeth. Claim your free sample now.

How to get this freebie:

  1. Miss call on toll free number 01143852723
  2. Soon you will get SMS from AM-COLGAT  ”Thanks for calling Colgate Sensitive Pro relief. SMS your address like COLGATE name, address, pin code to 9664266000 & get your free sample. Std SMS Charges apply.”
  3. Now SMS to 09606426600 with colgate following with your Name, Address and pin code
  4. You will get message “Thanks your details have been saved in our database”. Your free sample will be shipped soon. Terms and conditions apply.

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