Free access to Yahoo Mail and Gmail on your Vodafone Mobile

Free access to Yahoo Mail and Gmail on your Vodafone Mobile

This  week’s offer from Vodaphone  is  FREE EMAIL where you can enjoy free access to Yahoo Mail and Gmail service on your Vodafone mobile.

This offer is only valid for one week (7 Days) from 00:00:00 hours Saturday 30 April To 11:59:59 PM Friday 6th May 2011 under EMAIL SUPER WEEK Offers.
To avail the offer subscriber needs to send SMS ‘SUPER’ to 111 (toll free).

Vodafone EMAIL Super Week Offer FAQs :

How do I access “Email” super week?

You can access “Email” super week by doing the following: 1. Send “Super” to 111 (2) You will get a message with the link to super weeks page – (3) On this page, there will be links to the sites which are a part of the email superweek (4) Alternately, you can access the following: Gmail – and Yahoo –

What is the validity of the “Email” super week (Super Week-3) ?
The validity of “Email” super week is from 30th April: 00:00hrs to 6th May: 23:59hrs

Can I access super weeks offer sites on my PC/laptop as well?

No, the offer is valid for mobile sites only.

Can I access any email site during super week offer?

No, you can only access the sites which are a part of the offer. For “Email” super week, the sites allowed are Gmail and Yahoo! Mail.

What will happen if I access these sites after 6th May?
You will be charged for accessing these sites as per the data tariff you are on.

Is this offer valid only for 3G consumers?

No, the offer is valid for 2G as well as 3G consumers.

Why am I being charged inspite of accessing the sites which are advertised as free ?
You might be doing one of the following : (1) Accessing it through an app which is not an official Yahoo!, Gmail app. (2) You might have clicked on a link which is an external link which would have come in the mail. (3) These sites also serve ads which are not zero rated and hence the user might be charged. (4) The mail contains a newsletter, direct mailer which has images referring to an external domain. (5) Browsing these sites through certain mobile browsers like Opera Mini may also incur a charge.

I am on a data pack where I get free usage. If I access email from the free sites, will the usage get deducted from my quota?

No, the free usage will not get deducted from your quota.

I do not know how to get to free email site link?

Just send “SUPER” to 111. You will get a message with a link. Clicking on the link will take you to a page which will have links to the free email sites. Click on the link to get started

Will I be charged for watching a video or clicking on an external link on these sites ?

Yes, since these are external sites, you will be charged for accessing these links

I do not know how to go to Gmail/Yahoo! Mail site on my mobile?

Just send “SUPER” to 111. You will get a message with a link. Clicking on the link will take you to a page which will have links to these 4 sites. Click on the site of your choice to enjoy the free offer




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